Academic Papers

Peer-reviewed journals

Rabenu, E., Shwarts Asher, D., Kurlander, Y. (2023) "The dual role of faculty and motherhood: Enabling resources for successful coping. Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 16(2), 252-256
Greenberg, Z., Gimmon, A., Farja, Y., and Kurlander, Y. 2023 Women Owned, Home-Based: The Effects of Location on Growth. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Cohen, A., and Kurlander, Y. 2023. The Agricultural Sector as a Site of Trafficking in Persons. Law, Society & Culture. Vol 6. Pp 239 - 264 (Heb.)
Greenberg, Z., & Kurlander, Y. (2022). “A Strong Feeling of Togetherness”: A Group of Low-income Single Mothers Bargain for Their Place in Academia. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 1-18.‏
5. Kurlander, Y., and Zimmerman, I., 2022. "Suitable Housing" for Migrant Workers in Israel's Agriculture and Home Care Sectors, Before and During Covid-19. Hagira 12 (Heb.)
Kurlander, Y., Niezna, M., and H, Shamir. (2021) COVID-19’s Impact on Non-Israeli Workers: Vulnerability, Commodification and Hope. Israeli Sociology Vol. 21 No. 2 (Heb.)
Niezna, M., Kurlander, Y., and H., Shamir. (2021) Underlying conditions: The Increased Vulnerability of Migrant Workers Under COVID-19 in Israel. Journal of Modern Slavery: A Multidisciplinary Exploration of Human Trafficking Solutions. Vol. 6 (2).
Kurlander, Y., and Kaminer, M. (2020). Permanent Workers in the Back Yard": Employing Thai Agricultural Labor Migrants in the Israeli Countryside. Horizons in Geography. Vol. 98 P 131-148. (Heb.)
Kurlander, Y., and Efrati, N. (2019). Our Herstory: Beit Hillel’s Founding Mothers. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. Vol. 37 (4). P 573 – 581.

Doctoral and Master thesis


Kurlander, Y. (2019). The Marketization of Migration – on the Emergence, Flourishment and Change of the Recruitment Industry for Agricultural Migrant Workers from Thailand to Israel. Doctoral thesis, Haifa University, Israel (Heb.)


Ash Kurlander, Y. (2009). Women's Work: Women Employers & Women Cleaning Workers in Private Households in Israel. Master Thesis, Haifa University, Israel (Heb.)

Other Publications

Kurlander, Y. (2022). Private Companies and Manpower Corporation in Shamir, H. and Niezna, M. (Eds.), An Alternative Anti-Trafficking Action Plan: A Proposed Model Based on a Labor Approach to Trafficking, TraffLab Research Group Policy Paper, Tel Aviv University 2
Ash Kurlander, Y. and Shargil, G. (2011). The Catalyst Research Study in Israel: Women Leading Business. IWN: Ramat Gan.
We Keep Running, But are We Getting "Somewhere Else"?: Women in Israel in 2010: a Shadow Report Submitted to the Beijing+ 15 Conference, New York, March 2010.